latha mathewA dentist by qualification, Latha Mathew worked with Emmanuel Hospital Association in Duncan Hospital, Bihar for twenty years. Since the past two years, she has been working with Evangelical Medical Fellowship of India as the Saline coordinator. She is very passionate about healthcare workers being witnesses for Christ and equipped to follow the example of Jesus in treating the whole person.

SALINE Process (facilitated by Latha Mathew)

Join the Saline Process! It helps us to be wise witnesses for Jesus where we work and study! It encourages us to be more like Jesus in treating the whole person. “Saline” is a salt solution that is used in treating some patients. The Lord Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth.” This means we are the salt where we work, the “Saline” solution. We are also “the light of the world” and His witnesses, showing and sharing the love and life of Christ. This 90 minute presentation is a good taster of the course. It (1) Explains the faith journey of a person to Jesus as a process; (2) Equips us to professionally assess the spiritual needs of a patient; (3) Encourages a lifestyle that reflects Christ to our patients, peers and others! (4) Equips us to use 8 Biblical tools for sharing the love of Christ with our patients in just 30 seconds or 2 minutes or more…

Don’t miss out! Be part of the Saline Process! Become what we are called to be by Christ – His salt and light and witnesses in this world!