Ashish Raichur
Plenary Speaker

Ashish Raichur
Plenary Speaker
Ashish Raichur is pastor of All Peoples Church & World Outreach Bangalore, a church he pioneered in 2001.
Ashish has been preaching and teaching God’s Word since the time he was 13 years old.
By training he is an engineer, with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Medicine & Dentistry (UMDNJ) and Rutgers University, NJ, USA. He spent 18 years working in the IT industry, 13 of which were spent running his own healthcare IT technology business (2001-2014) while also serving the Lord and pastoring the local church. From June 2014 he has been engaged in Christian ministry, full-time.
Ashish and Amy were married in 1995, and they have two grown children.

Varghese Philip
Plenary Speaker
Varghese Philip, lovingly known as VP, is a UG & PG alumnus of CMC Vellore, currently working with Mission Aviation Fellowship as its Strategic Development Consultant.
He along with his wife Nirmala, who is an Anaesthetist, also an alumna of CMC Vellore, were part of the team that pioneered Asha Kiran Hospital in Lamtaput, Odisha. He later worked in Bhutan, Uttarakhand, and Oddanchatram. Subsequently they worked in Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA), where VP was part of the EHA leadership and Nirmala was involved in starting the HIV/AIDS care center in Delhi and later in Bangalore. Currently she works in Christian Fellowship Hospital, Oddanchatram.
Both have been part of the Evangelical Medical Fellowship of India for a major part of their lives in encouraging and supporting medical missions.
They have two children. Both are married and they have two grandchildren.