Rajkumar Ramchandran comes from a Hindu background. He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ on 25th May 1980 after a year of reading the Bible all alone and being challenged by the Word (John 14:6) and convicted by the Holy Spirit.
Rajkumar is an Electronics & Telecommunications Engineer with over 20 years of experience working with Multinationals in India and abroad including a 16 year stint with the German Multinational Siemens.
He is an Evangelist, Bible Teacher and Revival preacher. Rajkumar began to share the Gospel the very next day after accepting the Lord. He has since travelled to 46 countries of the World by the leading of the Lord.
He has been instrumental in leading thousands of non-Christians to the Lord from backgrounds including Hinduism, Islam, Communism as well as Judaism from places all over the world as well as a nationwide ministry in India.
Rajkumar is a member of the Methodist Church in India and has a ministry of preaching and teaching the Word of God covering a spectrum of Churches such as Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Methodist, Anglican, Evangelical, Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, Church of South India, Church of North India, Brethren, Mar Thoma, Syrian Orthodox, Moravian, Mennonite and other Free Churches.
Presently Rajkumar is the Executive Director of Logos Ministries in India, a ministry founded to ‘assist Churches in the ministry of the Word ‘. He is also the Dean (Honorary) of Faculty of Haggai Institute, India.
Rajkumar’s call is to be an instrument of God in preaching the Gospel to ‘His Sheep in other folds’ and revive the ‘Sheep in His fold’ by the power of the Holy Spirit. He also ministers at Pastors’ Conferences to encourage them to experience more of the joy of Ministry through intimacy with God. In recognition of his commitment to the Lord and his ministry in and through the Church the Hindustan Bible Institute and College, Chennai, which is affiliated to the Asia Theological Association (ATA) conferred on him the Honorary Degree of Doctorate in Divinity in August 2011.
He currently lives in Delhi with his family, wife (Ragini), son (Akshay) and daughter-in-law (Shruti).