I make clothes, women make fashion

I’m not sure what the exact meaning of the term is. But I guess the above mentioned meanings. I request you to wait and see what the native speakers say about the meaning of the term.I’m not sure what the exact meaning of the term is. But I guess the above mentioned meanings. I request you to wait and see what the native speakers say about the meaning of the term.I’m not sure what the exact meaning of the term is. But I guess the above mentioned meanings. I request you to wait and see what the native speakers say about the meaning of the term.I’m not sure what the exact meaning of the term is. But I guess the above mentioned meanings. I request you to wait and see what the native speakers say about the meaning of the term.I’m not sure what the exact meaning of the term is. But I guess the above mentioned meanings. I request you to wait and see what the native speakers say about the meaning of the term.

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