Dr Sedevi completed MBBS in Allahabad, MD in AIIMS,Delhi, DM Gasteroenterology at CMC Vellore. His interest is in developing people to the full potential that God created them to be. His favourite verse is John 3: 30 – He must increase, I must decrease.
He helped to start Christian Institute of Health Sciences and research (CIHSR) in 2007. It is a tripartite partnership of Christian Medical College Vellore, Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA) and the State of Nagaland for reaching out to the furthest most parts of the region and impact health in Northeast India.
He helped start a new English church at Kohima. He teaches in the church as an elder and is also an adjunct faculty in a theological college in Dimapur. He holds an MA in Bioethics, Certificate course in hospital management from NIHFW Delhi. He is a member of the Nagaland Medical Council.
A Watson scholar at Haggai institute Singapore 2001, taught leadership subjects at Haggai institute for some years. He is a 2nd degree Black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
His wife is a dermatologist who also does ultrasounds, runs children’s Bible club, facilitates in Saline solution, teaches Sunday school, does a lot of publications. They are blessed with three children. The eldest son has just completed hospitality management, the second son is pursuing premedical studies and their daughter is in grade 11.